ThePlansPlace is pleased to present The Christmas Snowman Plan. ThePlansPlace has started this webpage to develop plans especially for crafters. It can be very inexpensive to produce and can be decorated in many ways to make it very unique. The snowman is cut from 15/32” sanded plywood. It measures about 14” tall, 7” wide and about 3” deep. It weighs in at about 1 pound fully dressed and painted. The snowman is perfect size for placing on tables, stands or fireplace mantles. The wide base and width makes it very stable. We have sold a few of these at craft shows and they have been rather well received. The plan package includes: 14 pages of detailed 8-½”X11” prints including several full sized templates for mouth and eye placement. A complete materials list including hyperlinks to each purchased component. The plan background. Construction lessons learned and tips. List of tools used in the construction. Step by step outline of construction steps. Link to construction photo’s and final assembly.
christmas snowman project plan

The Christmas Snowman Plan

Estimated Build Time: 6 Hours Estimated Construction Costs: $75
Plan Cost: $10.00
To purchase the plan, click the Buy Now button. This will take you to Pay Pal where you can complete the transaction. You will then get a PDF download of the product package.
Note: The cost per snowman is about $5.

Christmas Snowman Plan
